Die Tiroler Bracke ist der meistgeführte Jagdgebrauchshund in Tirol. Der Klub Tirolerbracke Deutschland e.V. ist VDH und JGHV Mitglied.
Die Deutsche Bracke ist ein leichterer, eleganter, hochläufiger und kräftiger Hund mit stolzer Kopfhaltung. Vom 1896 in Olpe gegründeten Deutschen Bracken
Diese Hunderasse ist mit einem unermüdlichen Spürwillen und mit einer sehr guten Nase ausgestattet. Buchtipp:. Haltung der Deutsche Bracke - YouTube. Adoptii caini de rasa Deutsche Brackehttp://www.adoptiicaini.ro/deutsche-bracke/Ajuta un catel sa isi gaseasca adapost promovandu-l pe blogul sau pe pagina t Deutsche Bracke Dog Breed . Thinking of getting a Deutsche Bracke Dog and want to know if a Deutsche Bracke is suitable for your household? Use the Deutsche Bracke information on this website to learn more about adaptability, health issues, life span of Deutsche Bracke and more.
Gratis Internet Ordbok. Miljontals översättningar på över 20 olika språk. Genom en sammansmältning av denna med andra lokala varianter uppstod en enhetlig typ som sedan 1900 har benämnts Deutsche Bracke. Helhetsintrycket Coton de tuléar Curly coated retriever Tenterfield terrier Deutsche bracke Dogo argentino Dogo canario Dogue de bordeaux.
Deutsche Bracke till salu. Deutsche Bracke uppfödare sverige. Deutsche Bracke köpa valp, köpa Deutsche Bracke hundvalpar, Deutsche Bracke hundraser,
They have an elegant profile, although they are sturdy by nature. The long slightly arched body is supported by short, strong legs that have rounded, well padded paws. A deep chest, muscular neck, and fine narrow head characterise this breed.
Coton de tuléar Curly coated retriever Tenterfield terrier Deutsche bracke Dogo argentino Dogo canario Dogue de bordeaux.
Scenthound. ♂ / ♀, 46.5 cm. FCI #299. FCI, Standard. FCI, Small-sized Scenthounds. UKC, Scenthound. Deutsche Bracke I fråga om fysik och beteende har deutsche bracke jakthundens alla egenskaper och naturliga förmågor.
Farben. rotgelb mit weißen und schwarzen Abzeichen. Funktion. Das Genetik-Labor Labogen bietet Züchtern und Tierhaltern vielfältige genetische Untersuchungen, Farbanalysen, DNA-Profile und Abstammungnachweise an. Deutsch Bracke - Other names/Nicknames: Olpe Hound German Foxhound Country/Date of origin: Germany 19th century Height: 16 to 21 inches Weight: 35 to
The Deutsche Bracke (German Hound) is a breed of dog originating in Westphalia, a region of Germany.
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Species Breed. Type of Test. Brown (B Locus/Chocolate/Liver) The Brown gene dilutes eumelanin (black pigment) to The Deutsche Bracke loves to work and keep busy. These dogs thrive on strong and dependable relationships with humans, and look to their owners for constant guidance, support, and leadership. This breed is highly intelligent and generally easy to train.
Your dog is special! She's your best friend, companion,
The German Hound is also often referred to as a Deutsche Bracke and they are native to a particular region of Germany called Westphalia.
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The Deutsche Bracke is of the scenthound type, used for hunting both large and small game. Today, the Deutsche Bracke is usually used to hunt deer, but also rabbits and fox. The Deutsche Bracke is strictly a hunting dog, and seldom seen outside its native country. The breeds were merged in 1900 as one breed and were officially designated
The long slightly arched body is supported by short, strong legs that have rounded, well padded paws. The German Hound (Deutsche Bracke) is a breed of dog originating in Westphalia, a region of Germany.The German Hound is of the scenthound type, used for hunting both large and small game. A beautiful and distinctive-looking hound, the Deutsche Bracke, also popularly known as the German Hound, is a tri-colour small to medium-sized hunting dog that originated in Westphalia, a region in the North West of Germany. The Deutsche Bracke is a mid-size breed with a tricolor coat and a long tail. They are scenthounds that originated in Westphalia, Germany in the 18th century.